Mining Magazine's Transformation (Crossing the Paywall Digital Divide)

Case Study 1: Mining Magazine

Mining Magazine's recent transformation confirms the ability of Aspermont management to

  1. Manage structural decline of print advertising and adverse general market conditions
  2. Transition 100 year old free to air product into subscription only
  3. Digitalise and commercialise in year one
  4. Scale cost bases to deliver improved profitability

At Aspermont we continuously monitor subscriber requirements across our product range. We respect the brand value of our titles and when our analytics identify changes in demand, we have a demonstrated ability to respond and both curate and transform content to ensure we provide the industry leading print titles needed for the new digital age.

Mining Magazine is a good case study of how we are able to adapt where erstwhile competitors have failed the test.

Founded in 1909 by Herbert Hoover, Mining Magazine is the single definitive guide to all operational aspects of mining. The publication is universally well regarded by mine management for in depth technical articles on mining techniques and technologies, as well as on issues affecting their workforce, logistics and supply chains.

For 106 years, Mining Magazine was a globally recognised print product  in a world where customer requirements were undergoing change. Over a 4 year program, we applied our full range of technology capabilities and digital expertise to transform Mining Magazine into a profitable, sustainable and growing online publication.

This Case study of transformation for a historic print product is a good example of Aspermont's own transformation over the last three years. The hard work has been done and Mining Magazine and Aspermont are both well placed to anticipate and serve subscriber requirements for many future generations

Transformation of Mining Magazine

Over the last 4 years Mining Magazine has been digitalized; converted from free-to-paid and had its cost base restructured. Multiple changes were introduced at a low point in the mining industry cycle with   structural print media advertising in steep decline

Pre - FY14 Controlled circulation; Print magazine
FY15 Launched on Aspermont's digital publishing platform (codename: Project Horizon)
FY16 Digital Paywall introduced
FY17 Cost Restructured
FY18 Digital, paid only transition acceleration


The tables below illustrate the transformation of Mining Magazine:



Total revenue grown through 4 year transformation period


4 year total revenue growth


Accelerating annual growth in digital revenues


Digital advertising revenue growth Vs Last Year

Transition from Free to Paid

Accelerating annual growth in subscriptions revenues


Subscriptions revenue growth Vs Last Year

Print Risk Mitigation

Accelerating reduction in print revenue composition


4 year print advertising revenue composition reduction


Fixed to scalable; enable efficiency savings without effecting top line


4 year total cost growth

All Areas in Growth

Print advertising also now growing


Print advertising revenue growth Vs Last Year


Mining Magazine's recent transformation confirms the ability of Aspermont management to

  1. Manage structural decline of print advertising and adverse general market conditions
  2. Transition 100 year old free to air product into subscription only
  3. Digitalise and commercialise in year one
  4. Scale cost bases to deliver improved profitability